Curriculum meaning | What is meant by the word Curriculum?

Meaning and Concept of Curriculum:

The word or the term "curriculum" has been derived from the Latin verb 'currere' meaning "to run" or "to proceed". So according to this meaning, Curriculum refers to "a race" or "a race-course" which is to be run for reaching a certain destination. This meaning or concept of Curriculum was good enough for the early society. But nowadays it will be a mistake to limit the meaning of curriculum only to a course or course subject.


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In the new sense, curriculum is the sum total experience of the pupil through activities that go in the school. classroom, library, laboratory, playground, workshop etc. In education, a curriculum is widely defined as the sum total of children or student experiences that occur in the educational process. The term curriculum often refers specifically to a planned sequence of instruction.

The concept of the curriculum is as dynamic as the changes that occur in society. In its narrow sense, curriculum is viewed merely as a listing of content or subjects to be taught in school. In a broader sense, it refers to the total learning experiences of the students or the individuals not only in schools but in society as well.

Thus we can see that even though traditionally curriculum has been related to the concept of a course of studies followed by students in school, in the modern era the concept of curriculum has evolved through various stages and gained in importance. The broad conceptualization of curriculum views anything that schools do to affect pupils' learning, whether through deliberate planning and organization, unconscious encouragement, or hidden and unrealized assumptions, as elements of the school's whole curriculum. It is important to note that in schools numerous acts of teaching and learning take place outside the prescribed content or overt curriculum. Many of such activities of schooling that are outside the deliberately planned lessons are more vital than the planned course or curriculum itself. Thus, even though the formal definition of the term curriculum is often confined to what is to be learned and taught in schools, it may also refer to a 'hidden' curriculum or that what is not overtly stated, and what may be unintentionally passed on to the students through the course of their education. Thus, curriculum may be understood to include any socio-cultural activities that help in the transformation of the individual as per the wishes of the society or culture.

Definitions of Curriculum:

Various philosophers and educators have given various definitions or meanings of curriculum.

According to Cunningham,

"Curriculum is the tool in the hands of the artist (teacher) to mould his material (student) according to his ideals (aims and objectives) in his studio (school)".

According to Frobel,

"Curriculum should be conceived as an epitome of the rounded whole of the knowledge and experience of human race."

Ronald Doll held that,

"The curriculum is now generally considered to be all of the experiences that learners have under the auspices of the school"


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