Difficulties of LAC

     LAC is not free from the pitfalls. Predicting enrollment is a particular challenge for LAC sections. Teachers have sometimes killed the student interest by failing to adjust their readings and their teaching strategies to the demands of LAC. The difficulties of LAC are given below ⇢

  1. Non-availability of LAC learning materials: The identification and preparation of materials for use with LAC participating students typically take considerable time and effort. Whatever the nature of the materials maybe, whether print, audio, video or web based, construction of LAC assignments around them can pose sizable challenge.
  2. Faculty Roles: Faculty role is another difficulty of LAC. Non language faculty may fear that the educational purposes of their courses will suffer with the addition of an LAC component. Language teachers may fear that the inculcation of higher level language skills will suffer when LAC puts language into the service of non linguistic domains.
  3. Student problems: Students likewise may have difficulty fitting LAC into their conception of how to structure their college education.  Not only do even the native speakers among them lack confidence in their ability to apply intermediate level language skills to good academic purpose, they see little potential payoff for taking the LAC plunge.
  4. Curriculum Placement: The requirement filling value of LAC arguably depends upon the emergence of new curricular components in which LAC plays an integral component.
  5. External Forces: Perhaps the greatest incentives to and resources for the expansion of LAC come from outside of our individual colleges and universities. The global deployment of multinational teams in commerce, industry, research and the arts favour the use of collaborative, multilingual learning to prepare our graduates for the work place.
  6. Responsibility: Another difficulty lay in the fact that there is no one centrally responsible in the school of such a cross curricular approach, except perhaps the headmaster or principal.
  7. No clear conception: There might not have been a clear or precise conceptualization as yet of what it means to do language education across the curriculum, to support subject matter

    learning through language work, nor didactic suggestions of how exactly to integrate content and language learning in a specific course or subject.
  8. Teachers may feel over burden: The subject teachers may find it difficult to add an LAC component into their subject. They may feel over burden because they will have to rethink how to teach the students through a different language.
  9.  Lack of training: There is a lack of LAC teacher training programmes to train the teachers how to inculcate LAC in their subjects. Because of this most of the teachers feel lost, and their teaching become inefficient. This type of teaching kills the student interest.
  10. Scarcity of time: Time is another crucial factor. Because of lack of time in a single period, it becomes difficult for the teachers to integrate both language and content learning.