Language and Learning

Language and Learning

     Human language is purely human. It is the tool through which we express ourselves, but there is more to a language the just expressing our thoughts. It is obvious for us that speech includes words. Language is Acquired and it is not within us from the birth. Child learn language through imitation.

     According to Bloch & Trager, "Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol by means of which a social group cooperates".

     Learning occupies a very important role in our life. Most of what we do or what we do not do is influenced by what we learn and how we learn it. An individual starts learning immediately after his birth or in a strict sense even earlier in the womb of the mother. Learning is the modification in behaviour.

     According to Henry P. Smith, "Learning is the acquisition of new behaviour or the strengthening or weakening of old behaviour as the result of experience".

     LAC focuses more on learning. Language plays a central role in learning. No matter what the subject area, students assimilate a new concept largely through the language that is used by them.

     One of the most important and amazing accomplishment of infancy and childhood is the development of language. Babies start to say their first words around one year of age and in no time around the age of four they know more than 1500 words and begin telling stories. Language skills developed in the pre-school years serves as a wonderful foundation for learning in school. Children with solid language skills often become strong readers and writers.

Relationship between language and learning: 

  1. Learning is almost impossible without language. In learning, language plays a vital role. To learn something we have to learn the proper language first.
  2. More accuracy in language results in more accuracy of learning. If a child learns how to use language accurately then the learning process will be more fruitful.
  3. Language is a bridge of learning.
  4. Language is the strong instrument in teaching-learning process.
  5. Proper use of language is necessary for effective teaching-learning process.
  6. Children with solid language skills often become  strong readers and writers.
  7. With proper use of language students can express their views, thoughts, through poems, articles, stories, novels etc.
  8. Language facilitates learning. Through interaction with adults and collaboration with classmates, children learn things what they could not have accomplished on their own.
     No one can deny the fact that performance in learning is linked to proficiency in language. Language is an instrument without which learning is hampered. Proficiency in language positively influences proficiency in an any other subjects. 

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